Monday, August 25, 2008

Mission: Possible

Pre-season highlight video. Enjoy!


  1. Yay!! It was worth the wait. Awesome as usual.

    You should really start charging admission ;-)

  2. Beautiful. I especially enjoyed the "Mimbs cheap-shot payback" closing shot. Keep it up.

  3. Thank you for continuing to make the best videos on you tube. I can only imagine how much time and effort goes in to making these videos every week. The bulldawg nation is indebted to your. Keep up the good work.

  4. But it's not possible! ESPN said so! :)

  5. zzzz snooze zzzz

    Mission: Impossible

    Sorry Dawg fans. But Auburn is winning the SEC Championship this year.

  6. Way to sync up the first "I know why you wanna hate me..." with the celebration--that was perfect. Looking forward to another season of these!

  7. Will you be posting UGA highlights from the Georgia Southern game, like you've have on ugamumma on youtube?

    Please and thanks; keep it up - i really enjoy your videos .

  8. Thanks for the feedback everyone. We're ready for a great season.

    Michael - I doubt I'll get highlights up for Georgia Southern, but I do plan on doing game highlights for the games. Just not likely to do them for GSU.
